by L0K33z · 12 posts
9 months ago in AP Social Games
Posted 6 months ago
Would you rather have sex in your childhood bedroom or your childhood basement?

Choosing your childhood bedroom may evoke a sense of nostalgia and familiarity, creating a comfortable and emotionally secure environment. The familiar setting might contribute to a more relaxed and enjoyable experience, as it holds personal memories and a sense of intimacy that connects with your past. Additionally, the sentimental value attached to your childhood bedroom could add an emotional layer, making the experience more meaningful and potentially enhancing the overall connection during intimate moments.

Would you rather lick ice cream off someone’s body or whipped cream?

The choice between licking ice cream off someone's body or whipped cream is subjective and depends on personal preferences. Ice cream offers a sweet and cool sensation, while whipped cream provides a light and airy texture.

Would you rather taste a blueberry-flavored condom or a banana-flavored condom?

Some may lean towards the fruity sweetness of blueberry, while others might prefer the classic taste of banana.

Would you rather receive lingerie or dirty toys as a sexy gift?

Opting for lingerie could be driven by a desire to enhance visual appeal, creating an atmosphere of elegance and anticipation.

Would you rather kiss your ex or your mortal enemy?

Aren't they the same thing? Lmaoo

Would you rather come after one minute or take an hour to come every time?

Lasting longer during intimate moments can contribute to a more fulfilling experience for both partners. It allows for increased intimacy, emotional connection, and the opportunity to explore various sensations and shared pleasures. Taking the time to focus on your partner's enjoyment and ensuring a relaxed and unhurried atmosphere can enhance the overall satisfaction and intimacy of the encounter. Communication about preferences and pacing is crucial to creating an enjoyable experience for both partners.

Would you rather sleep with your boyfriend’s/girlfriends sibling or your best friend’s sibling?

Engaging in intimate relations with a sibling is not only socially unacceptable but also illegal in many places.
Posted 4 months ago
I would rather have Sex in my childhood bedroom because the basement is cold and has bugs in it. I would rather lick ice cream off because when the ice cream hits the body, it’ll be melting, so it was just like a game of my head that I have that you have to hurry up and get the ice cream off before it gets all messy and sticky, but you know, leaving it messy and sticky creates a little bit excitement too. I would most definitely like to taste a banana flavored condom just because it sounds good duh. Rather have lingerie instead of sex toys as a gift because with lingerie, you can dress up all types of ways and just make it more fun and make it more sexy versus toys. The toys is supposed to serve her purpose for a certain purpose, but the lingerie is a chef on top of everything. I will most definitely kiss my ex rather than my enemy because that’s common sense why would I want to kiss my enemy if anything I would want to kill my enemy. I would rather take an hour to come every time rather than just a minute then get out don’t know because I have a high sex drive so I can just keep coming and coming and coming so that one’s a hard one. Lastly, I would rather sleep with my boyfriend or girlfriends Sibling rather than my own siblings partner siblings just because I feel like I’ll be crossing a line if I were to have sex with my siblings partners family member.

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