Red flags

by Falcone · 13 posts
8 months ago in Off Topic
Posted 6 months ago
Seriously bad breath....
No really. It's hard to be cordial and in someone's face when you're recoiling every time they speak...
Posted 6 months ago
The biggest red flag for me is not knowing how to communicate. I hate when you talking to a person and they respond with a oh,ok,yea. Not knowing how to express yourself without arguing is a no for me. A grown person acting like a child is a Big no for me . A lot of stuff is a red flag for me because if you act like that while we are just friends or talking i know how you would act in a relationship. A person that begs is a big walking red flag and if you play imvu you know it’s a lot of walking red flags .
Posted 5 months ago
Lack of curiosity and learning. I hate being around people that aren’t trying to grow and learn, regardless of age. These are people that feel threatened by other people’s success, and never admit their own mistakes. It’s incredibly off-putting and sadly common, especially in business where I meet managers or executives that are so worried about not “looking dumb” that they never experiment or learn.

I’ve had wonderful conversations with people from different religions, political views, etc where things were civil and the topics interesting. The common denominator is that they are open to the idea that they are not “done” learning new things, so new ideas and information is not a threat, but a gift.

In contrast, the person who is “done” is never happy when presented with a new line of thinking or new evidence. This is seen as proof that they might be “wrong” and that is never tolerated.

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