WhAt dO YoU Do iN Ur FrEe tImE?

by Roxxanne · 72 posts
15 years ago in Social Games

What do U like more? GaMeS or MuSiC?

Games 33%
Music 67%
Posted 15 years ago · Author
Well...In my spare time, I like walking, cycling, listening to music, going out with friends, watch horror movies ... to sit on the computer ... in other words: I could have a great time!!
Am I happier? Yes - much more than I was 2 or 3 days ago.. :lol:

Okay... some good ideas:
->Take up hobbys, loads of them, your in such a lucky position, I know loads of my friends that would be so happy to have that kinda time :!:
->get a bf/gf..that will take your time away and probably the money you start making...lol :soppy:
->Get yourself a backpack and a bicycle. 8)
->Then there's always education. you could take some classes to finish a college degree or build up credits towards a higher one. Or, you could also just go and take some classes for fun. :wink:
->Exercise. don't sit for too long : :mrgreen:
->find a way to quit smoking! Not only will you feel more healthy, but it is a form of work. 8-[
->1. Learn to dance - well. 2. Learn something creative - play an instrument, act, sing. 3.Travel more. 4.Play video games :ooh: :innocent: :pinkgrin:

If yOu HaVe oTHeR iDeAs, I WiLl Be HaPpY tO HeAr thEM ..tRy :P
Posted 15 years ago
ThIs KInD oF WrItInG fLaShEs mY EyEs.. O.o

This was not ment to be mean or anything.
Posted 15 years ago
... I refuse to answer this pole because I like music and games equally.
Posted 14 years ago

Well Music & games actually cuz if there is no Music listening to while playing i'd fail & fail there is more Fun while playing & listening to some insane stuff but what i do on my free time well im always free so im always posting here on my freetime : P & i mostly do something thats secret rofl.
on my free time i hangout on imvu :x makes troubles

Music FTW
Posted 14 years ago
Secret like fapfapfap, WhatAmI? ;D

Har har. But for me, music. <3

Then IMVU and other things lol.
Posted 14 years ago
Music, music, music! You can do any and everything with music. Who has spare time? lol
Posted 14 years ago
I am drawing..i am surfing net alot...that`s the first thing of what i am thinking when i got some free time...books are too boring for me...
..also i love to watch my TV...damn..all those chanels...when i turn on my TV..it feels like i have to see what`s on every chanel at the same time...
Sometimes..i just want to sleep..when i come back from school..and i love to eat..but i never get fatter..lol :D :D :) :razz: :P :lol:

EDIT: .. Books got my attention and interest again starting from 2009. I`m a literature fan now! Woohoo! LOL!!!!!!!!!!

..i just love to read something romantic... philosophic...emotional..and something with a big meaning in it... with a sence.... with a life experience...
..... books make me more intelligent and i love it... and i`m not afraid anymore from big page count. :)
Last edited by Lin da on Sat Jul 24, 2010 10:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Posted 14 years ago
I prefer music - kinda because I suck at games x]
I'm also learning to play the drums, currently on grade 5 8)
And music just generally makes me feel better.

I also read a lot, and I do drama and stuff.
Plus imvu, of course.
Posted 14 years ago
Ecdysiast wrote:
Secret like fapfapfap, WhatAmI? ;D

Har har. But for me, music. <3

Then IMVU and other things lol.


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