Best Xbox 360 Game Ever??

by Aussie_Boi · 42 posts
14 years ago in Off Topic
Posted 14 years ago · Author
What do you think the best xbox 360 game is??

In my opinion it would have to be out of:
- Halo 3
- Gears of War
- Modern Warfare 2
Posted 14 years ago
I heard Halo series are cool.. :P
Posted 14 years ago
Naruto !!!!! :D its veryy coool game ever!!!
Posted 14 years ago
I disagree with all of the posts so far :/ I mean;

Halo 3: Overrated
Gears of War: Alright game. Personally I do not care for it.
Modern Warfare 2: I love this game but it's also on the PS3.
Naruto Series: I'm not a big fan of Naruto but the games were surprisingly fun. Although I don't think they should be considered the best.

Now don't get me wrong, if you think these are the best, that's fine. I just felt I needed to give some criticism because most of these games are just popular because they had a really good prequel, but the games themselves feel like they're missing something. (Besides better graphics)

As for what I ment about Modern Warfare 2; The topic says "Best Xbox 360 Game" and MW2 is also on the PS3, really I guess this isn't a big deal, it really depends how you look at it.

But I'm going to have to go with......

Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

Only because Morrowind was so good. I've played Oblivion about 3 times longer than any other game I own.

I also like the Left 4 Dead Series (1 & 2)

Although I've hardly played them and do not own them.
Posted 14 years ago
Posted 14 years ago
I would agree with you on all three games, But I think they are trying to push to hard with the Halo series, I understand the fact that they want to get all they can out of it, but you know there is only so much you can do with a game, Gears 2 was a great game as well, multiplayer ticked me off many time -shivers- ...BUT! nevertheless is a great game, and for Modern Warfare 2, that is just WIN, thats all that can be said ^^ (you forgot to mention star wars forced unleashed in that post ^^...sorry star wars fan got out of me ^^)
Posted 14 years ago
gears of war for the win.
Posted 14 years ago
Modern warfare 2 and Forza 3 are epic.
Posted 14 years ago
MW2 and GOW is best for me :)
Posted 14 years ago

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