The person below me...

King Falcon
by King Falcon · 1730 posts
15 years ago in Social Games
Posted 14 years ago
False. I don't think I'm a player. o:
The person bellow me has intentionally hurt an animal.
Posted 14 years ago

The person below me has gone four days without a shower at least once in their lifetime.
Posted 14 years ago

The Person Below me has looked at this Reply
Posted 14 years ago
Uhem.... True? xD
The person bellow me likes sushi.
Posted 14 years ago

The person Bellow me has replyed
Posted 14 years ago
Duh. :P True.
The person bellow me has had a naughty dream in the past month. o:
Posted 14 years ago
Hmm...not me :))

The person below me has cold hands....(but no doubt a warm heart!!!)
Posted 14 years ago
True, my hands are like ice. D: But my heart is like the sun. :3
The person bellow me is hungry. *person's stomach growls*
Posted 14 years ago
So true :I

The person below me enjoys wet dreams :awesome33:
Posted 14 years ago
*hasn't had one* I don't even know how to answer! D: Tralse, I say! :3
The person bellow me has a fear/phobia of clowns.

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