Is there a way to run multiple instances of IMVU?

by stairie · 27 posts
14 years ago in IMVU Lounge
Posted 14 years ago · Author
Does anyone know?
Posted 14 years ago · Author
That could be just long enough for me to get screenshots.... now If I can only find version 379... Google is not being too fruitful
Posted 14 years ago
on the 378 I can stay in forever i did a 3hours tchat on a public room with it ^^,
Posted 14 years ago
>< I did it a few times on the same computer. Make a new user account, and run imvu on both accounts at the same time.

The catch is that I hope your computer is fast-you need to catch the invite on your second account in real time, lol, and of course, you still are running two instances of imvu.

How I found this out? I just have WAY too much time on my hands.

Hope it helps, and that you get good screens. :D
Posted 14 years ago
It's possible if you know how to use programs such as Virtualbox. Just install another operating system inside the virtualbox and run another client on that.

Anyway, heres the link to the downloads section for Virtualbox:
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Posted 14 years ago
Don Von Free Credits wrote:
Yup, we have a thread about using VM for running multiple clients HERE
We used it to shoot videos of ourselves beating up staff accounts after we stole their clothing.

Dammit, I've been reading a lot of threads but I seem to keep missing the important ones and re posting old info lol.

EDIT: It says that thread does not exist

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