10 Tell tail signs u r gay...

by McChocolate · 29 posts
14 years ago in Casual Dating Tips
Posted 14 years ago · Author
1. u cant stop staring at other guys butts
2. u seem to think all women r like ur sister or some b****
3. u like rainbows more then u thought posible
4. u have a girly lisp that make women go "awwww"
5. when someone yell b****u turn and say "what do u want?"
6. u suddenly find makeup appealing..
7. ur b***s never dropped
8. u rate every guy that walks by on how fine they r
9. ur starting to dress girlier
10. and finally and not least u lost ur virginity to another guys ass x.x
(i asked real gay men if these r all true...8 out of 10 said yes)
Posted 14 years ago
okay... I'm glad none of them apply for me XD
Posted 14 years ago
~Checks though the list for myself, just for fun~

1. sorry...butts do not attract me, unless it is my wife's
2. true...(other than wife)
3. yes, all of my bedding is rainbow
4. nope...I went to speech therapy for that and got rid of it
5. ...never happened to me before
6. sometimes, but why not?
7. umm, I do not ever not remember having my balls in my sack
8. sometimes
9. yes..., but that is because I let my wife help pick my clothing
10. huh :lol:
Posted 14 years ago · Author
if u have more then half ur gay...good luck =D
Posted 14 years ago · Author
or if its just half u could be bisexual lolx good luck trying to figure that out,but i asked a buntch of my gay guy friends and they said it was all tru
Posted 14 years ago
im not gay! thank the heavens!!! jk jk ggls
Posted 14 years ago
i have like 3 of these. maybe i should look into the other team
Posted 14 years ago · Author
no ur straight if its less then 5
Posted 13 years ago
you forgot the 11th sign.

You saw the word "gay" in the topic name and had to have a look. LOL


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