Posted 14 years ago
So I was in a chat, and a noob with a fancy dress enters. But I crack up thinking about this and yes, I am mild autistic.. So I tend to go look at all the information about those I chat with, even their item info Kelly left right after I wrote that with her name not even being there. The last is just my proud face
SinistersQueen: Greetings.
Guest_AnnieKristenWilliams: hi
Guest_kellyDeRoman: hello
Guest_AnnieKristenWilliams: butifuel dress
Guest_kellyDeRoman: thanks
Guest_AnnieKristenWilliams: np
Guest_kellyDeRoman: i made it
Guest_AnnieKristenWilliams: ohh its very pretty
Guest_kellyDeRoman: thank you
SinistersQueen: How can you have made it if you are guest?
Guest_kellyDeRoman: my other avater
SinistersQueen: oh.
SinistersQueen: Nice job though ;3
Guest_kellyDeRoman: yeah but i forgot my pass
Guest_kellyDeRoman: ty
SinistersQueen: that sucks.
Guest_kellyDeRoman: umm i need a check up
SinistersQueen: mhm. what was your avi name before?
Guest_kellyDeRoman: clickcli
SinistersQueen: Now.. I might be a pain in the ass right now..
Guest_kellyDeRoman: like i said tho i need a check up
SinistersQueen: But you didn't make the dress ._.
Guest_kellyDeRoman: umm ok
Guest_kellyDeRoman: yeah i did
SinistersQueen: LadyAmyDrakin did..
Guest_kellyDeRoman: yeah right
SinistersQueen: ... id=4669903
Guest_kellyDeRoman: thats so dumb
Guest_kellyDeRoman: ok
SinistersQueen: You are talking to an autistic girl -.- I know stuff..
Guest_kellyDeRoman: i dont care i never put it in the shop so people cant bye so if she did make it im going to be mad
SinistersQueen: I went in and looked at what you where wearing..
SinistersQueen: then pressed the dress product..
Guest_kellyDeRoman: grr she toke it !
Guest_kellyDeRoman: im going to talk 2 her!
SinistersQueen: hehe ;3
SinistersQueen: And the username of clickcli doesn't even exist, look it up under people search. Its not there...