Whats going on?

by imperial_smoke · 4 posts
16 years ago in Introductions
Posted 16 years ago · Author
I am new to this site and would like to offer my service in anyway I can. I can be very calm and collected and be like Satan when he found out somebody was bootlegging ice water in hell. I have many skills which may be of use to the mafia. I am a high rank member of the h4c|<7r/cracker group called...UzKiNgZ. Here is our latest work. http://www.geekfocus.com I only h4c|</crack for my personal pleasure. So I am looking to take a break and relax for a while. Do something else for a change. imvu seems like a great lil site to have fun with. If the mafia or anybody else needs my help with anything that can be done with a computer...You know like, If you need cracked software, keygens, timer locks, h4c|< tools, cracks for a O.S., Tweaks for your computer, Google tricks/h4c|<s. As they say...Google is a hackers best friend.
Well, Thats about it...If there are any questions, Please feel free to ask but don't ask me how to deface a website. Kinda of a need to know thing...If you don't know, Then you don't need to know. No offense to anybody. Just one of my codes I go by.
Posted 16 years ago
Welcome to the mafias.

I agree, I would die without google h4c|<s.
PM me your account name and we will start getting you set up.

We are extremely low on hackers at the moment, and it would be a great pleasure to finally find another willing to help us. If you feel up to it, we have a huge hacking project we are about to start, and I could really use some help on it. If it works, it should get around all of the patches IMVU has been releasing lately to patch our vault of h4c|<s.

I would also like to talk to you 1 on 1 about some ideas we have; maybe get some new input on them.
Posted 16 years ago
l0l n00b hax0rz

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