Kind of annoyed

by darkhoney · 25 posts
16 years ago in Off Topic
Posted 16 years ago · Author
Can we stay on topic please. Whats to be done about the 20 second music thing? on the newer imvu version :(
Posted 16 years ago
#1: Shatta doesnt know crap about what hes talking about
(Still love'ya tho Shatta!)
#2: As long as the music is from before this took place. (Approximately July 2008?) There would be no limit. As a result, any music we have on this forum should work fine.

If your having trouble with your items though, still you can always get customer service on IMVU and they would be glad to help you out.

Keep it cool, and good luck.

And Remember Kids, every single one of life's problems can be solved with a..... FALCON!!! PAUNCH!!!!
Posted 16 years ago
what's going on here?
Posted 16 years ago
:shock: :? Ionnow :? Well any ways the 30 sec thing? i hae found a loop hole to all those who dont know this.......... wait i should say this in the vault first and get the don's approval first hehe :twisted:

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