by CrissCatastrophic · 9 posts
14 years ago in Off Topic

should they make a third Knights of the Old Repubic??

yes 100%
no No votes
Posted 14 years ago · Author
i think there should be one :I
it was a great game, and everyone LOVED it.
they were talking about it once, but i never heard anything.
what do you guys think?
and if there's any info on a possible third one, post it? : D
Posted 14 years ago
There's gonna be a KOTOR game online called The Old Republic.It will take place one year after the events of KOTOR1.So yeah, after KOTOR2.

I finished both games without cheats xD Google SWTOR and you'll know about the online game that's kinda like WoW, but instead of orcs there are droids :lol:
Posted 14 years ago · Author
haha thank you, i was beginning to think no one would post D:
Posted 14 years ago
I also finished both. It sucks that it's gonna be online, because i'm not a fan of MMO games. Loads of dickheads and 11 year old kids.
Posted 14 years ago
But im 13 :( Does that matter? xD

Anyway, I dont think so.It'll be P2P as Bioware said.Just like WoW.I hope they make private servers too, just like Aion >_>
Posted 14 years ago · Author
IKR? Litte kids who think they're the shit just cause they can beat a couple people. And when you kick their ass, they have a fit :I
Posted 14 years ago
KOTOR as single player?, NO, but TOR will be good. if my wallet allows it i will play it.
Posted 14 years ago
isnt it gona be free becaus i would love that it would be becaus im not fan of games that you need too pay... :DDDD
Posted 14 years ago
Hmm,i never heard about this game,you sey will be online?i will check it out,to see how it is,if is with strategy i will love,i like games with strategis.

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