by incocnito6969 · 6 posts
15 years ago in Off Topic
Posted 15 years ago · Author
A ive heard somthing and it even came out in the news here wer i live in Puerto Rico they say its higly contages and that it runs from computer to computer and annother thing is is it true that somme one is triying to close INTERNET EXPLORER that worries me because MOZILA FIRE FOX may be next please give me some light on the situation
Posted 15 years ago
really heard about it and if it is not real, but the virus hmmm I have not even doubt it but I recommend that an q is the most important things stored on a hard drive and if they have the virus have only ps q erase the computer and then put things hookah disk into the computer, but you want to say something they know is good for all ..
Posted 15 years ago
I absolutely love vista.

Back in the xp days, virus scars like this happened every week and you just had to run 3 scans, update your drivers, and rough it out.

Now with vista you have constant auto updates, windows repair, windows defender, and permissions constantly fighting off the viruses for you. Maybe no one else notices this, but as a stupid novice h4c|<7r....I use to get bugs all of the time (at least 1 or 2 times a month and I had to re-format at least 1 time a year). In the past 2 years since vista, I have only suffered 3 viruses and each and everyone of them were automatically taken care of for me by vista's superior systems; never have I had to re-format a computer running vista.
Posted 15 years ago
:evil: Well with me i dont have a high performance pc so i wont use vista... and for the last 2 years i got no virus.

PLus i still play old games and vista dont support the rip games i play, while xp play any thing . So i say vista suck! :twisted:


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