IMPORTANT - the TIM Zombie plan

by Random · 15 posts
13 years ago in Off Topic
Posted 13 years ago · Author
Today in the middle of all the zombie movies and terror over those brain eating monsters, our mafia needs a zombie plan. Since even Don Von himself didn\t know what our zombie plan was we now need one ASAP. So what will we do if there happens a huge catastrophe and people turn in to zombies and start making all other people zombies, just like Resident Evil (Which i think didn't actually go like this) and we need to protect our self. Do we run? Do we hide? Do we fight? What shall we do?

Please, post your own zombie plans for TIM and let's see what our members would do. Shotguns out or food in stock? I would say shotguns out and shoot them.
Posted 13 years ago
Shot gun bullets run out too easily.

Your best best is to find a spiked weapon you can impale their brains with.

Wearing multiple layers of thick long sleeved clothing is also important, to ward off zombie bites.

Just remember, shooting their bodies does nothing, you have to remove or crush in the head.

Setting them on fire is one of the worst things you can do. Fire does not kill them, it only makes them more dangerous.
It is bad enough trying to fight an undead creature, let alone trying to fight an undead creature on fire.

Zombies do not speak English (other than than the word "brains"), so it is useless trying to talk to them.

Zombies are cold blooded, so they freeze during the winter time and in climates below 30 degrees.

The fatter a zombie is, the faster it is, and zombies do not sleep or get tired. (The best way to outrun a fat zombie is with bait.)

Zombies do not know how to cimb, ladders confuse them. (destroying stairs is a good idea)
Posted 13 years ago
Don Von Free Credits wrote:
Shot gun bullets run out too easily.

Your best best is to find a spiked weapon you can impale their brains with.

Wearing multiple layers of thick long sleeved clothing is also important, to ward off zombie bites.

Just remember, shooting their bodies does nothing, you have to remove or crush in the head.

Setting them on fire is one of the worst things you can do. Fire does not kill them, it only makes them more dangerous.
It is bad enough trying to fight an undead creature, let alone trying to fight an undead creature on fire.

Zombies do not speak English (other than than the word "brains"), so it is useless trying to talk to them.

Zombies are cold blooded, so they freeze during the winter time and in climates below 30 degrees.

The fatter a zombie is, the faster it is, and zombies do not sleep or get tired. (The best way to outrun a fat zombie is with bait.)

Zombies do not know how to cimb, ladders confuse them. (destroying stairs is a good idea)

Why you had to ruin my blowing up everything dreams?Meanie -.-
*takes notes*
*Goes and thinks*
I'll come back later.
Posted 13 years ago · Author
First i'll start with a joke about zombies

Zombie's on a strike:




Now to the post, Firstly remember LIQUID NITROGEN IS YOUR FRIEND, since its so cold and freezes zombies so they stop moving and are easy targets.

Also your good friend to everything are TRAPS, try to wire the ground or something so that they fall or if you have explosives those can be used as well.

Head is not a pig area to target so try and cut of the head, this way the body wont move anymore. Also try and get help from your friends so you can fight them in teams and pown some zombie ass.

This is also the only time i suggest picking up weapons with a noob tube/Grenade launcher attachment on the gun.

Also the zombie mind is simple so if you scream "There's a pile of brains over there" they'll probably turn and this is when you strike.
Posted 13 years ago
Don Von Free Credits wrote:
Setting them on fire is one of the worst things you can do. Fire does not kill them, it only makes them more dangerous.
It is bad enough trying to fight an undead creature, let alone trying to fight an undead creature on fire.


Don Von Free Credits wrote:
Zombies do not know how to cimb, ladders confuse them. (destroying stairs is a good idea)

Tell that to the hunter from L4D

Posted 13 years ago · Author
LOL Every one needs a zombie survival profile. xD
Posted 13 years ago
Posted 13 years ago · Author
You have sex with males? O _ O
Posted 13 years ago
Le facepalm..

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