Dating - Planings here

General Tony
by General Tony · 10 posts
15 years ago in Off Topic
Posted 15 years ago · Author
We're just planing a bit on how that would work and everything.

Nothing serious yet.

Give your oponions here.
Last edited by General Tony on Tue Jun 16, 2009 4:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Posted 15 years ago
I dont think this would work...
Posted 15 years ago
XD as many lonely noobs as IMVU has....this would work in my opinion :lol: I've had a bunch of people randomly invite me all the time
Posted 15 years ago
I know exactly how to run this.

1) we find cyber addicts, and hier them as escorts
2) we have all escorts add a special number to their interests panel
3) we make a link that searches for people that have that number in their intrests and are logged in
4) we charge a small fee for the link
5) we change the number every week, so the link changes every week
6) we divide 80% of credits made off of selling the link between the escorts
7) we divide 10% between people running the business
8) the remaining 10% goes towards the family fund
Posted 15 years ago · Author
Don Von Free Credits wrote:
I know exactly how to run this.

1) we find cyber addicts, and hier them as escorts
2) we have all escorts add a special number to their interests panel
3) we make a link that searches for people that have that number in their intrests and are logged in
4) we charge a small fee for the link
5) we change the number every week, so the link changes every week
6) we divide 80% of credits made off of selling the link between the escorts
7) we divide 10% between people running the business
8) the remaining 10% goes towards the family fund

Yes, I think that would work perfect, maybe not in the first days.

So are we even interested in doing this anymore?
Posted 15 years ago
I refuse to go look for cybersex-addicts.

But at most I did acquire (invaded emails) to get the password for a Lesbian Mistress on IMVU.
Posted 15 years ago
No I now own the IMVU Account of a lesbian mistress...

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