What are you thankful for?

King Falcon
by King Falcon · 40 posts
13 years ago in Off Topic
Posted 13 years ago · Author
Let me start by saying Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I hope every person here has a good time with their friends and family. Also take this time to reflect on the things you are thankful for.

With that being said, let me say that I am thankful for each and everyone who is a member of this mafia! Thank you for being some of the greatest people in the world! Stay strong to yourselves and keep on following the paths that your souls have etched out!

Happy Thanksgiving to the T.I.M Family!


Don Falcon
Posted 13 years ago
I am thankful for being in this community and thankful for my wife.
Posted 13 years ago
I'm thankful to god who has given me light,fresh air to breathe,good food to consume and good family to love and to be loved.I thank all of my friends espescialy Alex,Rad,Linda,Chris,Random for being my friends here who are 1 hell of a fun to hang out.I think Don Von and Don Falcon for still not banning me and letting me be here in this forum.I thank Ghoku for the triggered dick he gifted.Also I thank god for helping me pass yesterday and also my HOD for lending me his support and believing in me that I can do it.I also want to thank Shatta for chatting with me twice :P . I thank Mr.Fire....ok I don't have anything to thank him..who the beep cares anyways.I also thank Tony for leaving the IMVU Mafias who in his previous said something like "I'm 2 busy to do my economical school home work,how do u expect me to run a fake internet group".. thus proving that he can't do his economic school homework properly so there's no way he'll be able to lead us.I wanna thank Nick for his tutorials and for being my friend.Also I'd love to thank to the bitch whom I cybered yesterday although she sucked in bed.Last but not the least..... I wanna thank this topic which Im sure will give me lot of MAFIA CREDITS!!!! YAY!!!

Although we Indians don't celebrate thanks giving, HAPPY THANKS GIVING ALL!!! :D :D :D
Posted 13 years ago
We in Jamaica dont have a specific day for giving thanks... we do that every day.

But first let me say this... lil man you are a assole! :cursemouth: my birthday has pass and you gifted Jon a fucking trigger cock! wtf!!? here is proof , "I thank Ghoku for the triggered dick he gifted." :cursemouth: Then u say you ish broke :x

Any ways, I wanna Thank the creator of all life for everything.... let me get a lists


1. I wanna thank God for giving me life so I can be here now with so much loving people :D

2. I wanna thank my ex wife for making me see her for what she ish ( a total bitch)

3. I wanna thank Don for being there like a brother ish supposed to be.

4. Don Falcon for sending me that dry happy Birthday wish on my profile. :bun:

5. I'm very thankful for our past and present family members , even the ones who we losts in wars. The ones who just say I quit and the ones who just disappeared without any explaination like trane...( a total wierdo) :badgrin:

6.I wanna Thank the ass ole who interduced me to imvu a couple of years ago. :I

7. I'm thankful for imvu taking disadvantage of DonVon, because without that we all wouldn't be here today.

8. I'm thankful for lil man who didnt give me any Birthday presents :evil: because revenge is sweet :badgrin:

9. I'm very thankful that I'm nearly Finnish with imvu mass destruction secret weapon :twisted:

10. I'm thank for my many friends who really support me even in the darkest of times, when all seems grim :I like alex and jo3y <_< fuckers make me laugh till my head hurts :mrgreen:

11. Thank for god who made my parents.... without my parents I would still be part sperm and part egg :irk:

12. Thankful the my Blackrain family, and I mean only the ones who find me even when I'm not on imvu... when I'm far across the globe. and think no one would call... they did. Bigdaddy loves you all :D

13. I'm thankful for my first computer that broke... but I didnt have any money to fix it... then I went into it and fuck it up even more.... then I went to computer repair school and got a A+ diploma in computer repairs...

14. I wanna thank the fuck face guy who's named Havana (what kinda name ish havana by the way :irk: ) who said I wouldnt pass all my exams... (who laughing now and dip shit!) :mrgreen:

15. I wanna thank all the TIM members who remember Shatta5 ... the evil guy who loves them all but love to fight a good fight :( Shatta Loves you all Image
Posted 13 years ago
I let him use my ap account for that dick >.>
Posted 13 years ago
I'm so thankful for finding this fabulous community
with fantastic, good and clever people in it.

I'm thankful for my bad health wich reminds me
to cause no dramas and stay realistic, cause
there are always worst things in the world.

I'm very thankful for my hubby, who is my real
rock of support, love, friendship and all that
I would want in one person :)
Posted 13 years ago
I am thankfull that imvu mafia exists for helping those in need,sorry i had no time to post anymore because of my vip
I just became creator and trying to make some own clothes,too bad you have to buy submission.
Posted 13 years ago
Idk when you celebrate this day (because we don`t in our country)


I want to say Thank you to all you guys~! <3 I love you all.

Thank`s for your company;
Thank`s for your friendship;
Thank`s for heads-up in fighting for free IMVU credits;
Thank`s for being worth my dear time;
Thank`s for making me smile and laugh so many times;
Thank`s for being international and not making me lag with a crappy proxy to be a part from this;
Thank`s for holding loads of memories here;
Thank`s for making my english better;
Thank`s for all the help i`ve got from you guys;
Thank`s for ..... damn, i can`t remember >.<

Special Thank`s to Alex (<3), Gan, Sam, Logan, Joey, Kei, DaGal...(etc?) - for being a part of my best friends/in the name of the old friendship/for all the fun we had/for all the crying on eachothers` sholder/for trusting/for the awesome worth-remembering memories.....etc
And a huge Thank`s to Don Von and Don Falcon for being awesome dons and running this whole awesomeness. xD

Luv ya! :*


(xoxo) ..i hope i didn`t get too sentimental. *blushes*
Posted 13 years ago
Im thankful for everybody in my life that has supported me though everything i have though . :) & also for the parents that i have that loves me dearly even though they dont show it , i know so . :)

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