im sorry i dont know what that all means. i just would like to see all the items in some of my older rooms and I mean older as in before ga /ap I been on imvu for almost day one so i have items that I lost except in the rooms 1000's and 1000's items in my closet so i have hard time keeping track of all of it lost triggers forgot items I'd love a tool that shows hidden items and there trigger words. is there something like that????? or can it be made there mite be a market for it.
-- Fri Aug 04, 2023 7:29 am --
hell maybe a cataloging device that list items by maker, ap/ ga, date, triggers / no triggers, deleted / removed. whatever. a way to truly control your closet.
-- Sat Aug 05, 2023 3:53 am --
a inventory device with cross reference capability would be amazing I'd pay up to 30-40 for a item like that if it was whole encompassing enough . a device that with a few taps could allow you to organize and clean up your closet and allow you to group and structure items and there triggers. it could change imvu.