Nick Shadow wrote: Atagene wrote: LilOgo wrote:If u need avatar pictures edited my avi name is [Name removed by Nick Shadow] i can do it 4 u but it cost 500 per picture
LOL, I'm sorry but reading that and then seeing what Nick wrote where that guys name should be made me laugh.
Nice to meet you Mr. Name Removed By Nick Shadow.
Lol, the rule about our IMVU names is what we have the PM button for.
I think you guys get too many pms as it is. Lol I don't ever hear back from you guys if I pm you
I've posted this elsewhere but so far no answers. So in the hope that you revisit this topic:
Do you know anything about how imvu stores sticker files in it's database? Cause I want to grab the image files of stickers when all I have is the product page and no preview. Url backtracking and replacement didn't work.